Friday, April 18, 2008

WIR: Spring ends, Public Enemy nears

Week in Review (WIR) has loads of loathing for all the candidates on OBNUG's Public Enemy #1 list, which has made choosing between the six candidates extremely difficult. Still, debating the villains has provided a good dose of relief for the long, football-less summer ahead. Maybe we'll just drag this thing on until August.

Here is the best from the last week.

Have a great weekend, Bronco fans. We'll see you on Monday for some NFL draft talk.

An open letter to Congress

Dear Congress,

If you don't vote to end the BCS, the terrorists will win.


Ticket prices climb the slippery slope of progress

The cost of being a college football powerhouse is at least 9-10 percent higher than it was last year.

Boise State jacked ticket prices by as much as 14 percent for next season, continuing the steady rise of past ticket precedent. The average hike of 9-10 percent for 2008 tickets compounds the increases from years prior, meaning that some sections have had to swallow some enormous raises. Family packages have been hit hardest, going up over 40 percent the past two years.

We have no problems with increasing the cost of admission, but we do have problems with the university's excuses for doing so. Here are some of them:

Bleymaier is projecting increases of more than $400,000 in scholarship costs for next school year, $130,000 for employee health insurance, $500,000 for employee raises and $300,000 for the first year of softball. (ed's note: We can think of a quick way to save $300,000.)


Plus, travel costs are escalating because of fuel, airfare and food prices.

And success - the Broncos are coming off terrific seasons in football, men's basketball, women's basketball, wrestling and gymnastics - isn't cheap.

...and our personal favorite...

"It takes money to do that," Bleymaier said.
Wow, what a roller coaster of fallacies!

The fact of the matter is that Boise State is raising ticket prices because Boise State can. The university should have come right out and said it instead of trying to sugarcoat things. Ticket prices are going up because Bronco fans will keep paying for them, and it makes business sense to take advantage of a profitable market.

Right, Blue Turf Towel guy?

BSU football season ticket prices jump [Idaho Statesman]

Fighting The (BCS) Man on Capitol Hill

A resolution is underway in Washington, D.C., to investigate the legality of the BCS. We have never loved politicians more than we do right now.

Representatives Neil Abercrombie, Democrat of Hawaii; Lynn Westmoreland, Republican of Georgia; and Mike Simpson, Republican of Idaho, introduced a resolution saying the B.C.S. restricts trade because only the largest universities compete in its games. The resolution would require the Justice Department’s antitrust division to investigate if the B.C.S. violates federal law.

Good for Idaho Rep. Mike Simpson leading the charge. He has earned our vote from now until eternity.

The measure, if it passes, would put Congress on record as supporting a postseason playoff.

With OBNUG also on record as supporting a postseason playoff, Congress will have a hard time ignoring this issue.

Three lawmakers seek inquiry... [New York Times]

Celebrate moderate success with the Vandals

Prior to the University of Idaho's Silver and Gold game tonight, there will be a ceremony to honor one of the rarest of Vandal feats: winning.

Before the game, the Vandals' 1998 Humanitarian Bowl Championship team is having a 10-year reunion that is open to the public.
Sigh. The only thing worse than paying so much pomp and circumstance to such a non-historic victory is paying money to attend the party for the non-historic victory. Vandal fans must be desperate.
The reunion begins at 5 p.m. on the North Concourse of the Kibbie Dome. Tickets, which are available through the University of Idaho ticket office, are $15 in advance or $20 at the door.
Next year, the Vandals plan on celebrating the two-year anniversary of defeating Cal Poly.

Former Timberline standout... [Idaho Statesman]