Monday, August 4, 2008

[UPDATE] Camp notes: Childs practices, will miss the opener

UPDATE 4:45pm: Audio from Coach Pete available at IPT website. And check the newspaper blogs later tonight for a newcomer's practice recap.

The Bronco veterans practiced this morning, and there is plenty of good news to report.

1. Football is back. 
This cannot be stressed enough.

2. Jeremy Childs news at last.
Childs practiced with the team today, ending the speculation as to his status for the 2008 season. The Broncos did announce that Childs will miss the team's preseason game season opener versus Idaho State on August 30th either as further punishment for his suspension or because Childs simply has better things to do.

3. DJ Harper is for real.
Dave Southorn reports that DJ Harper made his presence felt on the field today. We've had a lingering feeling since spring practice that Harper will be the No. 2 running back this fall, beating out Jeremy Avery. So far we have nothing to make us think otherwise.

4. Walk-ons galore. 
There are 18 of them (including Dan Hawkins' quarterback son Drew), and we don't really feel like listing them here. If you want the full list, check out the Chadd Cripe's blog, Dave Southorn's blog, Fight Fight BSU, or the Boise State student directory.

We'll add to this post if there are any other pressing updates later today.

Childs won't play in opener [Bronco Beat]
It has finally begun [Dave's Blog]


  1. Dude, with Childs out for the ISU game...I doubt we're gonna hit the 100 pt. mark. Curses.

  2. Major bummer. Not getting to 100 pts might as well be a loss.
