Monday, August 4, 2008

The return of BSU football and OBNUG's new schedule

Welcome back, Bronco football. We have missed you dearly.

Boise State will hit the field for their first practice of fall camp today, and before we know it, August 30th will be upon us. The Broncos practice 20 times in the next three weeks, taking only August 12th and 20th off during that stretch, and they'll have three scrimmages before "preparation" for Idaho State begins.

  • Monday, Aug. 11 from 3-5:30 p.m. at Bronco Stadium
  • Saturday, Aug. 16 from 7-9 p.m. at Bronco Stadium
  • Closed scrimmage at Eagle High School on Aug. 22.
Doesn't it just make you feel warm inside?

We at OBNUG are even more excited because the return of football means the return of a regular posting schedule. Over the summer, we have reined in our posts (really, we have), but starting today, all bets are off. Remember the days of four and five posts per day? Our social lives do. And those days are back and better than ever.

Keep checking back here for new posts or refresh your RSS reader. We'll be keeping the links around through the season, and we'll even bring back the week-in-review. And get ready for a big surprise in the next couple of weeks. It will be huge! (And no, it is not a Marty Tadman guest post, although we would not be opposed to that.)

Broncos open practice Monday []


  1. So, what you're telling me is that my productivity is going to plummet even further?

    Can I get a note from you for my boss?

  2. Dear Jason Haberman's boss,

    Please excuse Jason Haberman from doing actual work until some time in January. There are simply too many OBNUG posts to read and too much Boise State football to debate.


